In the light of recent posts made on behalf of the younger members of our team, we thought we should present some insights from the older (certainly) and wiser (probably not!) members of our team.
In no particular order, here are some observations...
"Obi-Wan" (Wisest of wise Missioners) has behaved in a manner befitting of his status. He has avoided Football, Ultimate FRisbee and the back of pick-up trucks in order to ensure that his physical health has never been put at risk.
Rather, he has continually given of his knowledge, expertise and experience to those many in Burundi and several in our team who place great value on his wisdom.
However, I do have to report that on his first night of our return to Bujumbura, he was seen by his room-mate, spraying on his CK One Eau de Toilette and leaving the room late in the evening. I presume he returned after I was asleep!!
The "First Lady" has graced us with her company throughout the trip. Only once did she retire to her room to keep her own company. On hearing her description of the events that took place in her own company, we are probably glad she kept it to herself! Hovever, we commend her for her resilience and speedy return to full and solid good health!!
She has been a shiny example of compassion throughout our mission. Her heart cried out with compassion for the poor and sick, and all admired her willingness to throw herself into activities - dancing with The Orange Children, riding in the back of a truck with the cheerful young things, and eating a full buffet dinner with the hungry ones.
Annette instructs me to assure all readers that being over whatever her age is (first ladies never let on!), is no barrier to missioning in style in Equatorial Africa!!
And now it's Pete's turn. What would we have done without his benign schoolmasterly way of calling us to order and helping us make our minds up. And he was up with the best of the youth when it came to football and Burundi bulldog. Then as for T-shirts he was unsurpassed - his vivid pictures now displayed on chests and backs throughout Burundi.
I won't mention his plumbing mishaps but it was a novel experience for him to enjoy a shower whilst on the loo, then there was the occasion when a flood on the floor above had interesting repercussions on his for his sanitary arrangements. (Thank you Peter J for your kind words...)
Finally, to reassure you all, we have taken our tablets, exercised carefully and eaten our five-a-day regularly. we remain in the rudest of rude health. The Senior Division marches on (although Peter J limps a bit) !!
By posting this blog, we wouldn't want readers to feel there is any division within our team. After (not) consulting Matt, Jon, Helen and Fee, we decided that they would not wish to be included in the "Senior Division". Rather, they should be perceived as the glue that holds the ends of the team together!!
We have all got on so well. Whilst many years might divide us by age, we have been united in our desire to do what pleases God, for His glory in Burundi.
Annette, Pete x2
Senior team, teen team or the the uhu team, I'll echo Fiona S in the earlier post - we'd quite like you back now please! Praying for a safe easy journey home - can't wait to see you. xx